Hopp til innhold


Fra Wikipedia, den frie encyklopedi

local parts = {}

function parts.makeList( data )
	local html = mw.html.create( 'div' ) -- this is the outer containing node
	local ul = true
	local last = ''
	for i,item in ipairs( data ) do
		local id = item[1]
		local label = item[2] or item[4] or item[1] or "?" -- should never reach "?"
		local description = item[3]
		local sitelink = item[4]
		local codePoint = mw.ustring.upper( mw.ustring.sub( label, 1, 1 ) )

		if last ~= codePoint then -- the char is different from the last one
			-- create a dd-element and use the code point as header
			local dd = mw.html.create( 'dd' )
			html:node ( mw.html.create( 'dl' )
				:node( mw.html.create( 'dt' ):node( mw.html.create( 'span' ):attr( 'id', codePoint ) ):wikitext( codePoint ) )
				:node( dd ) )
			-- create a new ul-element as container for new signatures
			ul = mw.html.create( 'ul' ) -- this is the list node that has to be recreated for each char in the alphabet
			dd:node( ul )
			last = codePoint

		-- add the signature to the containing ul-element
		ul:node( mw.html.create( 'li' )
			:node( mw.html.create( 'span' ):attr( 'id', label ) )
			:wikitext( sitelink
				-- use the sitelink
				and ( string.format( "''[[%s|%s]]''[[File:Blue pencil.svg|11px|link=d:%s]]", sitelink, label, id ) .. ( description and string.format( ' – %s', description ) or '' ) )
				-- do not use the sitelink
				or ( string.format( "''%s''[[File:Blue pencil.svg|11px|link=d:%s]]", label, id ) .. ( description and string.format( ' – %s', description ) or '' ) )))
	return html

function parts.list( frame )
	local entityId = frame.args['root'] or frame:getParent().args['root'] or mw.wikibase.getEntityIdForCurrentPage()
	if not entityId or not string.find( entityId, '^Q%d+$' ) then
		local html = mw.html.create('span')
			:wikitext( 'Missing entity id for root' )
		return html

	local listId = frame.args['entries'] or frame:getParent().args['entries']
	if not listId or not string.find( listId, '^P%d+$' ) then
		local html = mw.html.create('span')
			:wikitext( 'Missing property id for part list' )
		return html

	local data,_ = require 'Module:SignatureList'( entityId, listId )

	return parts.makeList( data )

function parts.makeTBody( data, ... )
	local html = mw.html.create() -- this is the outer containing node
	--html:addClass( 'wikitable' )
	for i,item in ipairs( data ) do
		local id = item[1]
		local label = item[2] or item[4] or item[1] or "?" -- should never reach "?"
		local description = item[3]
		local sitelink = item[4]
		local entity = mw.wikibase.getEntity( id )

		local tr = mw.html.create( 'tr' )
		local th = mw.html.create( 'th' )
		th:node( mw.html.create( 'span' )
			:attr( 'id', label ) )
			:wikitext( sitelink
				-- use the sitelink
				and ( string.format( "[[%s|%s]][[File:Blue pencil.svg|11px|link=d:%s]]", sitelink, label, id ))
				-- do not use the sitelink
				or ( string.format( "%s[[File:Blue pencil.svg|11px|link=d:%s]]", label, id ) ))
		tr:node( th )
		for _,v in ipairs( { ... }) do
			--local snak = (((entity.claims or {})[v] or {})[1] or {}) -- ['mainsnak']
			local snaks = {}
			for _,w in pairs( (entity.claims or {})[v] or {} ) do
				table.insert( snaks, w.mainsnak )
			local td = mw.html.create( 'td' )
			:wikitext( snaks and mw.wikibase.formatValues( snaks ) or '' )
			tr:node( td )
		html:node( tr )
	return html

function parts.table( frame )
	local entityId = frame.args['root'] or frame:getParent().args['root'] or mw.wikibase.getEntityIdForCurrentPage()
	if not entityId or not string.find( entityId, '^Q%d+$' ) then
		local html = mw.html.create('span')
			:wikitext( 'Missing entity id for root' )
		return html

	local listId = frame.args['entries'] or frame:getParent().args['entries'] or 'P527'
	if not listId or not string.find( listId, '^P%d+$' ) then
		local html = mw.html.create('span')
			:wikitext( 'Missing property id for part list' )
		return html

	local columnIds = {}
	for i,v in ipairs( frame.args ) do
		table.insert( columnIds, v )
	if frame:getParent() then
		for i,v in ipairs( frame:getParent().args ) do
			table.insert( columnIds, v )
	local data,_ = require 'Module:SignatureList'( entityId, listId )
	return parts.makeTBody( data, unpack( columnIds ) )

return parts