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Modul:Liste over eldste personer/sandkasse

Fra Wikipedia, den frie encyklopedi

local getArgs = require('Module:Arguments').getArgs

local ageUtil = require('Module:Age utilities')
local ageInYearsAndDays = ageUtil.ageInYearsAndDays
local compareAges = ageUtil.compareAges
local equalAges = ageUtil.equalAges
local ageInYearsAndDaysFormat = ageUtil.ageInYearsAndDaysFormat

--local language = mw.language
--local language = mw.getLanguage('no')
local language = mw.getContentLanguage()

local p = {}

-- Returns true if personA is older than personB
local function comparePersons(personA, personB)
	local diffAge = compareAges(personA.age, personB.age)
	if diffAge == 0 then -- Same age, let the person who is born first "win"
		if personA.dateBirth ~= personB.dateBirth then return personA.dateBirth < personB.dateBirth end
	return diffAge > 0

local function formatDateIso8061(year, month, day)
	return tostring(year) .. '-' .. string.format('%02d', month) .. '-' .. string.format('%02d', day)

local function formatDateSortable(dateN)
	local date = os.date('!*t', dateN)
	local dateIso = formatDateIso8061(date.year, date.month, date.day)
	local result = '<span style="display:none">' .. dateIso .. '</span>'
	result = result .. tostring(date.day) .. '. ' .. language:formatDate('F', dateIso) .. ' ' .. tostring(date.year)
	return result

-- Expects a table of persons as input.
-- Returns a string with sorted and formatted output (as a sortable table)
function p.displaySortedTable(persons)
	if #persons == 0 then return '' end
	table.sort(persons, comparePersons) -- Sort according to age and birth date
	local result = '{|class="wikitable sortable"\n!Nr!!class="unsortable"|Navn!!Alder!!Født!!Død'
	local lastAge = nil
	local rank = 0
	for key, person in ipairs(persons) do
		if lastAge == nil or not equalAges(lastAge, person.age) then -- New age: increment rank
			rank = key
			lastAge = person.age
		result = result .. '\n|-'
		if not person.dateDeath then -- Not dead
			result = result .. 'bgcolor="99FF99"'
		result = result .. '\n||' .. rank .. '||' .. person.name
		if person.ref ~= nil and person.ref ~= '' then -- Add reference?
			result = result .. person.ref
		result = result .. '||' .. ageInYearsAndDaysFormat(person.age) .. '||' .. formatDateSortable(person.dateBirth) .. '||'
		if person.dateDeath ~= nil then -- Dead
			result = result .. formatDateSortable(person.dateDeath)
			result = result .. '<center>&#151;</center>'
		if key == 100 then break end -- Display max 100 entries
	result = result .. '\n|}'
	return result

-- Expects a table of persons as input.
-- Returns a string with sorted and formatted output
function p.displaySorted2(persons)
	if #persons == 0 then return '' end
	table.sort(persons, comparePersons) -- Sort according to age and birth date
	local result = '<ol>'
	local lastAge = nil
	for key, person in ipairs(persons) do
		if lastAge ~= nil and equalAges(lastAge, person.age) then -- Same age as previous: Use <br> to append to same <li>
			result = result .. '<br />'
		else -- New age: need a new <li>
			if lastAge ~= nil then result = result .. '</li>' end -- Not first entry: End the previous entry
			lastAge = person.age
			result = result .. '<li value="' .. tostring(key) .. '">'
		local dateBirth = os.date('!*t', person.dateBirth)
		if person.dateDeath ~= nil then -- Dead
			local dateDeath = os.date('!*t', person.dateDeath)
			result = result .. person.name .. ' ' .. tostring(dateBirth.year) .. '&#150;' .. tostring(dateDeath.year) .. ': ' .. ageInYearsAndDaysFormat(person.age)
		else -- Still alive
			result = result .. '<b>' .. person.name .. ' født i ' .. tostring(dateBirth.year) .. ' er nå ' .. ageInYearsAndDaysFormat(person.age) .. '</b>'
		if person.ref ~= nil and person.ref ~= '' then -- Add reference?
			result = result .. person.ref
		if key == 100 then break end -- Display max 100 entries
	result = result .. '</li></ol>'
	return result

-- Input string dateStr is expected on the format "YYYY-MM-DD"
-- Returns a numeric representation of the date or nil
local function decodeDate(dateStr)
	if dateStr == nil or #dateStr < 8 then return nil end
	local strings = mw.text.split(dateStr, '-', true)
	if strings == nil or #strings ~= 3 then return nil end
	local date = {}
	date.year = tonumber(strings[1]) or 0
	date.month = tonumber(strings[2]) or 1
	date.day = tonumber(strings[3]) or 1
	return os.time(date);

--[[ Input is expected as a table of arguments.
	Expects a semi colon seperated entry for each person on the format:
		"Name etc ; Date of birth ; Date of death ; References etc"
			Name and DoB are mandatory, DoD and reference are optional.
			Dates should be in the format "YYYY-MM-DD". ]]
-- Returns a table with the persons
local function decodeArgs(args)
	local dateNow = os.time()
	local persons = {}
	for name, value in pairs(args) do
		local strings = mw.text.split(value, ';', true)
		if strings ~= nil and #strings >= 2 then -- Need at least name and birth date
			local person = {}
			person.name = strings[1] or ''
			person.dateBirth = decodeDate(strings[2]) -- Date of birth
			if person.dateBirth ~= nil then
				person.dateDeath = decodeDate(strings[3]) -- Date of death
				if person.dateDeath ~= nil then -- Dead
					person.age = ageInYearsAndDays(person.dateDeath, person.dateBirth)
				else -- Still alive
					person.age = ageInYearsAndDays(dateNow, person.dateBirth)
				person.ref = strings[4] or ''
				table.insert(persons, person)
	return persons

-- Decodes args from a frame and displas list
local function displaySorted_(frameArgs, display)
	local args = getArgs(frameArgs)
	local persons = decodeArgs(args)
	if display and display == 'tabell' then
		return p.displaySortedTable(persons) -- Display as a sortable table
	return p.displaySorted2(persons) -- Display as a numbered list

-- To be used from a template. Uses args from parent to template
function p.displaySorted(frame)
	return displaySorted_(frame:getParent().args, frame.args.vis)

-- To be used directly with #invoke
function p.displaySorted0(frame)
	return displaySorted_(frame.args, frame.args.vis)

return p