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Katrina Roen

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Katrina Roen
BeskjeftigelseAkademiker Rediger på Wikidata
  • Professor Rediger på Wikidata
Akademisk gradPh.d. (1998) (avhandling bedømt av: University of Canterbury)[1]
Utdannet vedUniversity of Canterbury[2]
NasjonalitetNew Zealand
ArbeidsstedUniversity of Waikato
Constructing transsexuality: Discursive manoeuvres through psycho-medical, transgender, and queer texts

Katrina Roen er kjønnsforsker fra New Zealand og professor ved University of Waikato. Hun har særlig forsket på transkjønnethet. Roen var tidligere gjesteforsker ved Psykologisk institutt ved Universitetet i Oslo.[3]

Hun tok PhD-graden i 1998. Avhandlingen hadde tittelen Constructing transsexuality: Discursive manoeuvres through psycho-medical, transgender, and queer texts.[3]

  • Popay, Jennie, Helen Roberts, Amanda Sowden, Mark Petticrew, Lisa Arai, Mark Rodgers, Nicky Britten, Katrina Roen, and Steven Duffy. "Guidance on the conduct of narrative synthesis in systematic reviews." A product from the ESRC methods programme Version 1 (2006): b92.
  • Roen, Katrina. "" Either/Or" and" Both/Neither": Discursive Tensions in Transgender Politics--TEST." Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society 27, no. 2 (2002): 501-522.
  • McDermott, Elizabeth, Katrina Roen, and Jonathan Scourfield. "Avoiding shame: Young LGBT people, homophobia and self‐destructive behaviours." Culture, Health & Sexuality 10, no. 8 (2008): 815-829.
  • Scourfield, Jonathan, Katrina Roen, and Liz McDermott. "Lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender young people's experiences of distress: resilience, ambivalence and self‐destructive behaviour." Health & social care in the community 16, no. 3 (2008): 329-336.
  • Roen, Katrina. "Transgender theory and embodiment: The risk of racial marginalisation." Journal of Gender Studies 10, no. 3 (2001): 253-263.


[rediger | rediger kilde]
  1. ^ hdl.handle.net[Hentet fra Wikidata]
  2. ^ Constructing transsexuality: Discursive manoeuvres through psycho-medical, transgender, and queer texts[Hentet fra Wikidata]
  3. ^ a b «Katrina Roen - Staff Profiles: University of Waikato». www.waikato.ac.nz.