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Hakan G. Sicakkan

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Hakan G. Sicakkan
Født1963Rediger på Wikidata
BeskjeftigelseStatsviter, universitetslærer Rediger på Wikidata
Utdannet vedUniversitetet i Bergen

Hakan G. Sicakkan (født 1963) er statsviter og arbeider som professor ved Institutt for sammenlignende politikk, Universitetet i Bergen.

Sicakkan er utdannet dr.polit. fra Universitetet i Bergen. Han var stipendiat ved Institutt for sammenliknende politikk, UiB (1998-2002), forsker ved Senter for utviklingsstudier, UiB (2002-2006) og forskningleder ved Unifob Global, Unifob AS (2007-2009). Han har vært gjesteforsker og gjesteprofessor ved University of Oxford (2000–2001), Københavns Universitet (1999–2000), European University Institute i Firenze (2016), Sciences Po i Paris (2016) og Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin (2016).

Han har i sin forskning konsentrert seg om problemstillinger knyttet til politikk, politiske system og sameksistens i mangfoldige og postnasjonale samfunn, med særlig fokus på demokrati, medborgerskap, offentlige rom, identitetspolitikk, mobilitet og deltakelse. Det empiriske nedslagsfelt har vært Vest-Europa og Den europeiske unionen. Sicakkan har vært internasjonal koordinator for prosjektet Eurosphere (2007-2013). I dette prosjektet fokuserte han på utviklingen av en offentlig sfære innenfor Den europeiske unionen. En liten elite dominererer ordskiftet, mens andre grupperinger ikke når fram til beslutningstagere på EU-nivå, viser foreløpige resultater pr. 2010.[1]). Videre har prosjektet funnet at forholdet mellom EU-institusjonene og det sivile samfunn defineres i stor grad av EU institusjonene.[2])

Sicakkan har vært redaktør for Norsk tidsskrift for migrasjonsforskning - NTMF (2005-2009) og Nordic Journal of Migration Research - NJMR (2010-2014). NJMR utgis i regi av Nordic Migration Research Association.


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Monografier og redigerte bøker

  • 2016 Integration, Diversity and the Making of the European Public Sphere. Cheltenham and Camberley & Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar
  • 2013 Diversity and the European Public Sphere. Towards a Citizens’ Europe. Eurosphere Series, Vol.3. Brussels: The Eurosphere Consortium.
  • 2013 Linking the European Union with the Citizens. Evaluation of the EU’s Policies Aiming to Create a Democratic European Public Sphere. Eurosphere Series, Vol.1. Brussels: The Eurosphere Consortium. (ed)
  • 2010 Quo Vadis, Europe? with Dudas, Tomas; Edvardsson, Ingi Runar; Fløttum, Kjersti; Knutsen, Terje; Knutsson, Ogmundur; Lipkova, L'udmila; Zagorsekova, Marta). Bratislava: Vydavatelstvo Ekonom.
  • 2008 Do Our Citizenship Requirements Impede the Protection of Political Asylum Seekers? A Comparative Analysis of European Practices. Edwin Mellen Press, New York.
  • 2007 Glocalization and Participation Dilemmas in EU and Small States." Community Research Series, European Commission, Brussels.
  • 2006 What Happens When a Society is Diverse? Exploring Multidimensional Identities. Studies in Political Science 30. The Edwin Mellen Press, New York. (med Y. Lithman).
  • 2005 Changing the Basis of Citizenship in the Modern State. Political Theory and the Politics of Diversity. Sociology Series. New York: The Edwin Mellen Press. (med Y. Lithman).
  • 2004 Migrants, Minorities, Belongings and Citizenship: Standardized Research Tools for Data Collection, Data Analysis, Measuring the Quality of Citizenships in European Countries. Glocalmig-Series Vol.1. Bergen: BRIC.
  • 2004 Migrants, Minorities, Belongings and Citizenship: Belonging and the Quality of Citizenships: A Comparative Study of Six European Countries. Glocalmig Series Vol. 8. Bergen: BRIC.

Artikler i fagfellevurderte akademiske tidsskrift og redigerte bøker

  • 2016 «Is the European Public Sphere Good for Democracy? Forthcoming in Y. Peters and M. Tatham (eds) Democratic Transformations in Europe 31 - Challenges and Opportunities. Abingdon: Routledge.
  • 2016 «Preface to H.G. Sicakkan (ed.) Integration, Diversity and the Making of a European Public Sphere». Cheltenham and Camberley & Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar
  • 2016 «An Agonistic Pluralism Approach to the European Public Sphere». In H.G. Sicakkan (ed.) Integration, Diversity and the Making of a European Public Sphere. Cheltenham and Camberley & Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar.
  • 2016 «European State-building, Top-down Elite Alliances and the National Media». In H.G. Sicakkan (ed.) Integration, Diversity and the Making of a European Public Sphere. Cheltenham and Camberley & Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar.
  • 2016 «The role of EU policies in the making of the European public sphere». In H.G. Sicakkan (ed.) Integration, Diversity and the Making of a European Public Sphere. Cheltenham and Camberley & Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar.
  • 2013 «Linking the European Union with its Citizens». In Sicakkan, HG (ed) Linking the European Union with the Citizens. Evaluation of the EU’s Policies Aiming to Create a Democratic European Public Sphere. Eurosphere Series, Vol. 2013(1) s. 1-5. Brussels: The Eurosphere Consortium.
  • 2013 «Contested European Public Sphere». In Sicakkan, HG (ed) Linking the European Union with the Citizens. Evaluation of the EU’s Policies Aiming to Create a Democratic European Public Sphere. Eurosphere Series, Vol. 2013(1) s. 252-263. Brussels: The Eurosphere Consortium.
  • 2012 «The French Republican Model, the European Diversity Perspective and the European Public Sphere» Social Science Information 51(3) (med Wanda Dressler, Artan Fuga, Veronica Mitroi, Liza Terrazzoni).
  • 2012 «Diversity, Polity and the European Public Sphere» Javnost-The Public 19(1): 5-18.
  • 2012 «Trans-Europeanizing Public Spaces in Europe» Javnost-The Public 19(1): 103-124
  • 2012 «The Rights of Refugees» in Cushman, Thomas (ed.) Handbook of Human Rights, Routledge, London.
  • 2008 «Political Asylum and Sovereignty Sharing in Europe». Government and Opposition 43(2): 206-229.
  • 2006 «Mangfold og den offentlige sfære» (Diversity and the Public Sphere). Stat & Styring 16(3): 45-49.
  • 2006 «Glocal Spaces as Prototypes of a Future Diverse Society: An Exploratory Study in Six European Countries» in Sicakkan & Lithman What Happens When a Society is Diverse? (pp. 105-148)
  • 2006 «Diversity and Multidimensional Identities» in Sicakkan & Lithman (red) What Happens When a Society is Diverse? (pp. 1-12).
  • 2005 «State Formation, Nation Building and Citizenship in Modern West European History» i Sicakkan & Lithman (red) Changing the Basis of Citizenship in the Modern State (pp. 37-62)
  • 2005 «Politics of Identity and Modes of Belonging. An Overview of the Conceptual and Theoretical Challenges» i Sicakkan & Lithman (red) Changing the Basis of Citizenship in the Modern State (pp. 1-36)
  • 2005 «Theorizing Identity Politics, Belonging Modes and Citizenship» i Sicakkan & Lithman (red) Changing the Basis of Citizenship in the Modern State (pp. 197-226)
  • 2005 «Foreword to Journal Special Issue on “Minorities, Minority Politics, and the European Union”». Norwegian Journal of Migration Research 5(2): 7-9.
  • 2005 «Senses That Make Noise & Noises That Make Sense. Three Techniques for Scaling Attitudes to Immigration». Norwegian Journal of Migration Research, 5(1) (May): 42-73.
  • 2004 «The Modern State, the Citizen and the Perilous Refugee». Journal of Human Rights 3(4): 445-463.
  • 2003 «Politics, Wisdom and Diversity. Or Why I don’t want to be tolerated». Norwegian Journal of Migration Research, 2003/1 (April): 32-44.
  • 2000 «Turkish Republicanism in the Light of Citizenship and Political Identity Models», i Bilgin, Nuri, (red) Demokrasi, Yurttaslik ve Kimlik Baglaminda Cumhuriyet. Izmir: Aegean University Press (pp.188-201)
  • 1996 «Three Models of Alien in Political Theory. An Evaluation of the Methodological and Conceptual Tools Provided by Fredrik Barth and Stein Rokkan» i J. C. Knudsen (red) Equality and Exclusion: Challenges for Migration Research. Nordic Council of Ministers. Copenhagen: TemaNord (pp. 153–165).


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  1. ^ Referat av nettavisen På høyden (slik referert i Aftenposten/Kultur 2010-12-24)
  2. ^ Referat av Norges EU delegasjon (slik referert i http://norwayportal.mfa.no/Norge--delegasjonen-til-EU/Aktuelt/Nyhetsartikler/UiB-leder-europeisk-forskningsprosjekt-om-EU-spraket/[død lenke]