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China Miéville

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China Miéville
Født6. sep. 1972[1][2][3]Rediger på Wikidata (52 år)
BeskjeftigelseSkribent,[5] romanforfatter, fantasy-forfatter, politiker, akademiker, litteraturkritiker, blogger, antropolog,[5] statsviter[5]
Akademisk gradDoktorgrad[6]
Utdannet vedLondon School of Economics
Clare College
Oakham School
University College School
MorClaudia Cecilia Vaux Mieville
PartiSocialist Workers Party
Medlem avRoyal Society of Literature
20 oppføringer
Arthur C. Clarke Award (2001) (for verk: Perdido Street Station)
August Derleth Award (2001) (for verk: Perdido Street Station)
Locus Award for Best Fantasy Novel (2003) (neste: Lois McMaster Bujold, forrige: Neil Gaiman, for verk: The Scar)[9]
August Derleth Award (2003) (for verk: The Scar)
Arthur C. Clarke Award (2005) (for verk: Iron Council)
Locus Award for Best Fantasy Novel (2005) (neste: Neil Gaiman, forrige: Lois McMaster Bujold, for verk: Iron Council)[10]
Arthur C. Clarke Award (2010) (for verk: The City & the City)
Hugo-prisen for beste roman (2010) (for verk: The City & the City)
Fellow of the Royal Society of Literature
Ignotus Award for Best Foreign Novel (2002) (for verk: Perdido Street Station)[11]
Ignotus Award for Best Foreign Novel (2013) (for verk: The City & the City)[12]
Ignotus Award for Best Foreign Novel (2014) (for verk: Embassytown)[13]
Guggenheim-stipendiet (2018)[14]
Locus Award for Best Science Fiction Novel (2012) (neste: John Scalzi, forrige: Connie Willis, for verk: Embassytown)[15]
Locus Award for Best Fantasy Novel (2010) (neste: China Miéville, forrige: Ursula K. Le Guin, for verk: The City & the City)[16]
Locus Award for Best Fantasy Novel (2011) (neste: George R.R. Martin, forrige: China Miéville, for verk: Kraken)[17]
Locus Award for Best Novella (2003) (neste: Vernor Vinge, forrige: Ursula K. Le Guin, for verk: The Tain)[9]
Locus Award for Best Novelette (2005) (for verk: Reports of Certain Events in London, sammen med: Kelly Link, forrige: Neil Gaiman, neste: Cory Doctorow)[10]
Premi Robert Holdstock a la millor novel·la fantàstica (2005) (for verk: Perdido Street Station)[18]
Premi Robert Holdstock a la millor novel·la fantàstica (2012) (for verk: The City & the City)[19]
SjangerScience fiction, fantasy, steampunk, mystisisme, sakprosa
DebutKing Rat (1998)
Aktive år1986
Viktige verkPerdido Street Station
Påvirket avJ.G. Ballard, Zane Grey, Bruno Schulz, Jack Vance, Ursula K. Le Guin, Jonathan Swift, H.P. Lovecraft, Ousmane Sembène, Michael Moorcock, Michael de Larrabeiti, Thomas M. Disch, Herman Melville, William Hope Hodgson, John Ehle, Charles Dickens, Gene Wolfe, Franz Kafka, M. John Harrison, Mervyn Peake

China Miéville (født 6. september 1972 i Norwich i England[20]) er forfatter av fantasyromaner, men har også publisert akademisk sakprosa. Han har mottatt Arthur C. Clarke Award og British Fantasy Award for Perdido Street Station, British Fantasy Award igjen for The Scar og Arthur C. Clarke Award igjen for Iron Council.[21] Han fikk publisert sin første novelle i Young Words i 1986 etter å blitt en av tre vinnere i bladets årlige konkurranse.[22]


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  • King Rat (roman, 1998)
  • Perdido Street Station (roman, 2000)
  • The Scar (roman, 2002)
  • The Tain (kortroman, 2002)
  • Iron Council (roman, 2004)
  • Looking for Jake (noveller, 2005)
  • Un Lun Dun (roman, 2007)
  • The City & the City (roman, 2009)
  • Kraken (roman, 2010)
  • Embassytown (roman, 2011)
  • Railsea (roman, 2012)
  • Three Moments of an Explosion: Stories (noveller, 2015)
  • This Census-Taker (kortroman, 2016)
  • The Last Days of New Paris (roman, 2016)[23]


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  • "The Conspiracy of Architecture: Notes on a Modern Anxiety", Historical Materialism, 2: 1–32, 1998.
  • "Marxism and Fantasy: Editorial Introduction", Historical Materialism, 10 (4): 39–49, 2002.
  • "The Commodity-Form Theory of International Law: An Introduction", Leiden Journal of International Law, 17 (2): 271–302, 2004.
  • Between Equal Rights: A Marxist Theory of International Law, 2005, ISBN 1-931859-33-7.
  • "Anxiety and the Sidekick State: British International Law after Iraq", Harvard International Law Journal, 46 (2): 441–458, 2005.
  • "Floating Utopias", in Davis, Mike and Daniel Bertrand Monk (eds.), Evil Paradises: Dreamworld of Neoliberalism (New York: New Press), 2007.
  • "M.R. James and the Quantum Vampire – Weird; Hauntological: Versus and/or and and/or or?", Collapse, IV: 85–108, 2008.
  • "Weird Fiction", i Mark Bould and Sherryl Vint et al. (red.), The Routledge Companion to Science Fiction (London: Routledge), 2009.
  • "Cognition as Ideology: A Dialectic of SF Theory", in Mark Bould and China Miéville (red.), Red Planets: Marxism and Science Fiction (London: Pluto Press), 2009.
  • "Multilateralism as Terror: International Law, Haiti and Imperialism", Finnish Yearbook of International Law, 18, 2009.
  • "London's Overthrow", 2012.[26]


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  • Red Planets: Marxism and Science Fiction (medredaktør), 2009.
  • Pathfinder Chronicles: Guide to the River Kingdoms (sammen med Elaine Cunningham, Chris Pramas, and Steve Kenson) (Paizo Publishing, 2010)[27]


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  1. ^ Archive of Fine Arts, abART person-ID 138462[Hentet fra Wikidata]
  2. ^ BD Gest', BD Gest' author ID 32923, besøkt 9. oktober 2017[Hentet fra Wikidata]
  3. ^ Internet Speculative Fiction Database, ISFDB forfatter-ID 2180, besøkt 9. oktober 2017[Hentet fra Wikidata]
  4. ^ Gemeinsame Normdatei, besøkt 13. desember 2014[Hentet fra Wikidata]
  5. ^ a b c Kunstarkivet, abART person-ID 138462, Wikidata Q107456632, http://isabart.org 
  6. ^ Gemeinsame Normdatei, besøkt 30. mars 2015[Hentet fra Wikidata]
  7. ^ www.telegraph.co.uk[Hentet fra Wikidata]
  8. ^ Bibliothèque nationale de France (på fr), Autorités BnF, BNF-ID 14514267k, Wikidata Q19938912, https://data.bnf.fr/ 
  9. ^ a b www.sfadb.com[Hentet fra Wikidata]
  10. ^ a b www.sfadb.com[Hentet fra Wikidata]
  11. ^ www.aefcft.com[Hentet fra Wikidata]
  12. ^ www.aefcft.com[Hentet fra Wikidata]
  13. ^ www.aefcft.com[Hentet fra Wikidata]
  14. ^ Guggenheim Fellows database, Guggenheim fellows ID china-mieville[Hentet fra Wikidata]
  15. ^ www.sfadb.com[Hentet fra Wikidata]
  16. ^ www.sfadb.com[Hentet fra Wikidata]
  17. ^ www.sfadb.com[Hentet fra Wikidata]
  18. ^ gpi.noosfere.org[Hentet fra Wikidata]
  19. ^ gpi.noosfere.org[Hentet fra Wikidata]
  20. ^ Nettsiden California State University Young Adult Book Reviews om China Miéville[død lenke]
  21. ^ Biografi på Fantasy Book Review sine nettsider
  22. ^ Rankin, Sandra K.: "China Mieville and the Misbegot: Monsters, Magic, and Marxism" (ProQuest, University of Arkansas 2009), s. x
  23. ^ Barnes & Noble om The Last Days of New Paris
  24. ^ «Vertigos side om utgivelsen». Arkivert fra originalen 8. august 2014. Besøkt 24. juni 2014. 
  25. ^ Cory Doctorow: "China Mieville's turn-it-to-11 high weirdness reboot of Dial H" på Boing Boing
  26. ^ Charlotte Williams:"Mieville's London essay to Saqi"The Booksellers nettsider
  27. ^ Utgiverens nettside om spillet