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Fil:William Blake Wat Tyler-bw.jpg

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Wat Tyler, graphite. One of Blake's visionary heads, the drawing is inscribed by John Varley Wat / Tyler / By Wm Blake from / his Spectre as in the act of Striking the Tax / Gatherer on the head. Drawn / Octr 30.1819 1h AM

Russian: Уолтер «Уот» Тайлер (англ. Walter "Wat" Tyler; 4 января 1341 — 15 июня 1381) — предводитель крупнейшего в средневековой Англии крестьянского восстания 1381 года.

William Blake (1757–1827)

Wat Tyler, ca. 1819


Inscribed (in the hand of John Varley) at lower right, Wat / Tyler / By Wm Blake from / his Spectre as in the act of Striking the Tax / Gatherer on the head. Drawn / Octr 30.1819 1h AM; numbered at lower left, 99.

Like Cowper, Blake was often considered mad because he spoke so naturally of the visions that he had experienced since childhood. Friends from later life described evenings during which they watched him drawing religious or historical figures whom he said were sitting before him. In 1819 he began to record these visions for John Varley (1778–1842). This is the last of a series of six documented during the month of October. Varley recorded the details on the drawings. The Morgan also owns a visionary head of Christ.

This sheet is Blake's portrait of the fourteenth-century rebel and leader of the revolt against the poll tax, Wat Tyler, who had been killed in 1381. Perhaps Blake felt a kinship based upon his own antimonarchical stance that had led to a trial for sedition in Felpham a few years earlier.

Gift of Charles Ryskamp in memory of Michael S. Currier on the occasion of the 75th anniversary of the Morgan Library and the 50th anniversary of the Association of Fellows; 1999.2
Kilde The Morgan Library
William Blake  (1757–1827)  wikidata:Q41513 s:en:Author:William Blake q:nb:William Blake
William Blake
Alternative navn
00003305445 IPI
Beskrivelse engelsk-britisk kunstmaler, lyriker, teolog, samler, grafiker og illustratør
Fødsels-/dødsdato 28. november 1757 Redigere på wikidata 12. august 1827 Redigere på wikidata
Føde-/dødssted London Redigere på wikidata London Redigere på wikidata
creator QS:P170,Q41513


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