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Fil:STS 121 Crew Portrait.jpg

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English: STS-121 astronauts take a break from training to pose for a crew portrait. From the left to the right: Stephanie D. Wilson, Michael E. Fossum, Steven W. Lindsey, Piers J. Sellers, Mark E. Kelly, European Space Agency (ESA) astronaut Thomas Reiter of Germany and Lisa M. Nowak.
Deutsch: Die Astronauten von STS-121 posieren während einer Trainingspause für ein Crewportrait. Von links nach rechts: Stephanie D. Wilson, Michael E. Fossum, Steven W. Lindsey, Piers J. Sellers, Mark E. Kelly, European Space Agency (ESA) Astronaut Thomas Reiter aus Deutschland und Lisa M. Nowak.
Dato Tatt den 5. april 2006
Kilde NASA/JSC, [1]
Opphavsperson NASA
(Gjenbruk av denne filen)
No copyright protection is asserted for this photograph. If a recognizable person appears in this photograph, use for commercial purposes may infringe a right of privacy or publicity. It may not be used to state or imply the endorsement by NASA employees of a commercial product, process or service, or used in any other manner that might mislead. Accordingly, it is requested that if this photograph is used in advertising and other commercial promotion, layout and copy be submitted to NASA prior to release.
This image or video was catalogued by Johnson Space Center of the United States National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) under Photo ID: STS121-S-002.

This tag does not indicate the copyright status of the attached work. A normal copyright tag is still required. See Commons:Licensing.
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Public domain This file is in the public domain in the United States because it was solely created by NASA. NASA copyright policy states that "NASA material is not protected by copyright unless noted". (See Template:PD-USGov, NASA copyright policy page or JPL Image Use Policy.)


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nåværende17. mai 2006 kl. 16:34Miniatyrbilde av versjonen fra 17. mai 2006 kl. 16:343 000 × 2 400 (714 KB)FEXXAtlantis --> Discovery
11. des. 2005 kl. 17:39Miniatyrbilde av versjonen fra 11. des. 2005 kl. 17:395 000 × 4 000 (2,86 MB)FEXXSource: http://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/shuttle/shuttlemissions/sts121/sts121-s-002.html

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