Jeg, opphavsrettensholderen til dette verket, frigir dette verket til allmennheten. Dette gjelder på verdensbasis. I enkelte land kan dette være juridisk umulig. I så fall: Jeg gir hvem som helst retten til å bruke dette verket for ethvert formål, uten noen vilkår, med mindre slike vilkår kreves ved lov.
The photographical reproduction of this work is covered under the article 148, VII of the Mexican copyright law (Ley Federal de Derechos de Autor), which states that «Literary and artistic works already published may be used, provided that normal commercialization of the work is not affected, without authorization from the copyrightholder and without remuneration, invariably citing the source and without altering the work, only in the following cases: […] VII. Reproduction, communication, and distribution by means of drawings, paintings, photographs, and audiovisual means of works visible from public places».
See COM:CRT/Mexico#Freedom of panorama for more information.
{{Information |Description= Puerta de Chihuahua a la entrada sur de la Ciudad de Chihuahua, Mexico realizada por el escultor Sebastian |Source= |Date= Viernes 06 Mayo 2005 |Author= Jonathan Hernandez (a