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Historical provinces, into the borders of the "greater Romania". Some of the provinces were shared with Yugoslavia, Bulgaria, Hungary and Czecoslovakia:
Banat: Romanian part of the region between the rivers Mureş (N), Tisa (W), Danube (S), Cerna and Timiş (E).
Basarabia (Bessarabia): Since 1812, region between Pruth river (W), Dniester river (E, N), Black Sea (S) and Bucovina, coresponding with the part of Moldavia annexed by the Russian Empire in 1812. Until 1812, the south-east region of Moldavia (Basarabia veche), between the Pruth-Danube confluence and the mouths of Dniestr, next the Danube and the Black Sea, annexed by the Ottoman Empire in 1484, 1536 and 1538, and called in turkish Bucak (russian Budjak, romanian Bugeac).
Bucovina: Region from Moldavia anexed by the Habsburg Empire in 1774.
Crişana: Region between the Bihor or Apuseni Mts (E) and the rivers Mureş (S), Someş (N) and Tisa (W).
Dobrogea (Dobruja): Region between Danube (W, N), Black Sea (E, SE), and the Turtucaia/Tutrakan-Ecrina/Kranevo line (S). It consists of the romanian Northern Dobruja and the bulgarian Southern Dobruja (or Cadrilater, a region from Bulgaria annexed by Romania in 1913, and given back in 1940).
Maramureş: Romanian part of the old Marmatian voivodate, divided into romanian Maramureş and ukrainian Transcarpathian Ruthenia.
Moldova: In the Medieval Age, the Principality of Moldavia (Moldova veche, old Moldavia in romanian) included the regions later called Bucovina (1775) and Bessarabia (1812). Since 1812, the name Moldavia (Moldova in Romanian) concerns the region between Carpathian Mts (W), Pruth river (E), Milcov, Sereth, Danube rivers (S) and Bucovina (N). In english, the name Moldova is also in use, but for the independent post-soviet republic (Moldavian SSR but Republic of Moldova).
Muntenia (Great Wallachia): Region between Transylvanian Alps, Milcov and Sireth rivers (N), Danube (S, E) and Olt river (W).
Oltenia (Little Wallachia): Region between Transylvanian Alps (N), Olt river (E), and Danube (W, S). Some sources pushes the eastern border over Olt river, on the Limes Transalutanus, and western border into the east part of the Banat, on the Severin Banat or Vâlcu/Valko region.
Transilvania (Transylvania): Region between the Carpathian Mts, bordered by the following provinces: Maramureş, Bucovina (N), Moldova (E), Muntenia, Oltenia (S), Banat and Crişana (W). Between 1570 and 1699, the Transylvanian Principality included this area and also the Crişana, the Maramureş and some other parts of the Eastern Hungarian Kingdom (partium). Today the name Transilvania is frequently used including also Crişana, Maramureş and romanian Banat.
Ţinutul Herţa: Herţa was a small part of Moldova, betwenn Bucovina and Bessarabia, annexed by the USSR in 1940, apart from their official ultimatum.
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Romania mare, incluzand toate regiunile Romaniei istorice.