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Fil:Firma de Fernando Lugo.png

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Fra Wikipedia, den frie encyklopedi

Firma_de_Fernando_Lugo.png (302 × 131 piksler, filstørrelse: 23 KB, MIME-type: image/png)


English: Paraguayan President Fernando Lugo signature.
Español: Firma del presidente de Paraguay, Fernando Lugo.
Kilde http://www.presidencia.gov.py/v1/wp-content/uploads/2010/10/decreto5309.pdf
Opphavsperson Fernando Lugo


Public domain
This signature is believed to be ineligible for copyright and therefore in the public domain because it falls below the required level of originality for copyright protection both in the United States and in the source country (if different). In this case, the source country (e.g. the country of nationality of the signatory) is believed to be Paraguay.
Note that this tag cannot be used on all signatures, as not all signatures are copyright-free.
See Commons:When to use the PD-signature tag for an explanation of when the tag may be used.


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nåværende23. mai 2011 kl. 23:15Miniatyrbilde av versjonen fra 23. mai 2011 kl. 23:15302 × 131 (23 KB)Rauloparaguayalpha
28. okt. 2010 kl. 08:30Miniatyrbilde av versjonen fra 28. okt. 2010 kl. 08:30302 × 131 (20 KB)Quantanew== {{int:filedesc}} == {{Information |Description={{en|1=English: Paraguayan President Fernando Lugo signature. Español: Firma del presidente de Paraguay, Fernando Lugo}} |Source=http://www.presidencia.gov.py/v1/wp-content/uploads/2010/10/decreto5309

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