John F. Oates, Neal Woodman, Philippe Gaubert, Eric J. Sargis, Edward D. Wiafe, Emilie Lecompte, Françoise Dowsett-Lemaire, Robert J. Dowsett, Sery Gonedelé Bi, Rachel A. Ikemeh, Chabi A. M. S. Djagoun, Louise Tomsett and Simon K. Bearder: A new species of tree hyrax (Procaviidae: Dendrohyrax) from West Africa and the significance of the Niger-Volta interfluvium in the mammalian biogeography. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2021, doi:10.1093/zoolinnean/zlab029
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{{Information |description =''Dendrohyrax interfluvialis'' {{de|1=Verbreitungskarte von ''{{Wd|Dendrohyrax interfluvialis}}''}} {{en|1=Distribution map of ''{{W|Dendrohyrax interfluvialis}}''}} |source = {{own using}} * John F. Oates, Neal Woodman, Philippe Gaubert, Eric J. Sargis, Edward D. Wiafe, Emilie Lecompte, Françoise Dowsett-Lemaire, Robert J. Dowsett, Sery Gonedelé Bi, Rachel A. Ikemeh, Chabi A. M. S. Djagoun, Louise Tomsett and Simon K. Bearder: ''A new species of tre...