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Identifier: coleopteragenera00fowl (find matches)
Title: Coleoptera : general introduction and Cicindelidae and Paussidae
Year: 1912 (1910s)
Authors: Fowler, W. W. (William Weekes), 1849-1923
Subjects: Tiger beetles Ground beetles Beetles
Publisher: London : Taylor and Francis
Contributing Library: Smithsonian Libraries
Digitizing Sponsor: Biodiversity Heritage Library

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e clypeus; mentum entire; mandibles very strongly developed inthe nudes; maxilla? with two lobes; anterior coxal cavities closedbehind; intermediate coxa? transverse; mesosternum short, meta-sternum large; elytra not longitudinally sulcate, entirely coveringabdomen; tarsi five-jointed, the last joint elongate. The LucANiuiE, or Stag-Beetles, are among the best known ofthe Coleoptera by reason of the great development of the mandiblesin the males, these being usually regarded as horns by the ordinaryobserver. In some of the exotic species these organs are nearly 208 INTRODUCTION. as long as the rest of the body; they are not, however, verypowerful, and their use is not quite apparent; the female of thecommon British Stag-Beetle (Lucanus cervus, L.) for instance can,with two very short pincer-like nippers, give a much more severebite than the male with his enormous mandibles, and we cannotdiscover any definite purpose, offensive, defensive, or economic,for the development of the latter.
Text Appearing After Image:
Fig. 93.—Hemisodorcus nepalensis (natural size). The larvse are large fleshy maggots, and the segments are notraised in three folds as is the case with the majority of theScARABiEiDiE ; the antennae are short and the legs moderate.They feed in wood and apparently take some years to come tomaturity. About 600 species have been described ; a considerable numberare found in the Indo-Malayan region, and the Indian region isfairly rich both in genera and species, nearly half the species ofLucanas being found there. SINOBEXDBIILE. SCABAB.EID/E. 209 (Family 102. SINODENDKID2E.) Small, or comparatively small, completely cylindrical insects ;antennce rather short and stout, ivith a pectinate did), not elbowed orgeniculate ; mandibles short in both sexes and concealed by the head(ifviewed from above) ; ligida not concealed by the mentum ; malewith a long horn on the front ; anterior part of thorax suddenly cutoff at an angle of about 80°; prosternum very narrow; legs shortand robust, the fem

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  • bookid:coleopteragenera00fowl
  • bookyear:1912
  • bookdecade:1910
  • bookcentury:1900
  • bookauthor:Fowler__W__W___William_Weekes___1849_1923
  • booksubject:Tiger_beetles
  • booksubject:Ground_beetles
  • booksubject:Beetles
  • bookpublisher:London___Taylor_and_Francis
  • bookcontributor:Smithsonian_Libraries
  • booksponsor:Biodiversity_Heritage_Library
  • bookleafnumber:231
  • bookcollection:biodiversity
  • BHL Collection
  • BHL Consortium
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