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Portal of the Folded Wings Shrine to Aviation

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Portal of the Folded Wings Shrine to Aviation  ligger i Los Angeles, California. Det er et 23 meter høyt monument i marmor med mosaikk, og er gravstedet for femten av luftfartens pionéer. Det ble bygget i 1924 som inngang til Pierce Brothers Valhalla Memorial Park Cemetery. Luftfartsentusiasten James Gillette ble imponert over rotunden som lå nær flyplassen og Lockheed Aircraft Company. Han fikk idéen om å bruke portalen som et gravsted til luftfartens pionérer og arbeidet med prosjektet i tjue år. Den ble innviet i 1953 som et siste hvilested for flygere, mekanikere og andre luftfartspionerer

Ved inngangen står en plakett med følgende inskripsjon:

Dedicated to the honored dead of American aviation on the 50th anniversary of powered flight, December 17, 1953, by Lieutenant General Ira C. Eaker USAF (retired). Beneath the memorial tablets in this sacred portal rest the cremated remains of famous flyers who contributed so much to the history and development of aviation. The bronze plaques upon the marble walls memorialize beloved Americans who devoted their lives to the advancement of the air age. Administered under the auspices of the BrookinsLahmWright Aeronautical Foundation, this shrine stands as a lasting tribute.

De femten pionerene

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  1. ^ «Archived copy». Arkivert fra originalen 16. mars 2010. Besøkt 16. mai 2013.  «Arkivert kopi». Arkivert fra originalen 16. mars 2010. Besøkt 5. november 2016. 
  2. ^ Pp. 898, "The Papers of Wilbur and Orville Wright," M. W. McFarland, Editor, McGraw-Hill Inc., 1953
  3. ^ «Finding Charlie's grave: now located at The Portal of the Folded Wings Shrine to Aviation and Museum.». Aircraft Maintenance Technology. Besøkt 25. september 2007. «It is unique to the United States, if not the world, that 14 of America's most famous aviation pioneers, including the Wright Brothers' mechanic, Charles Taylor, are buried just steps away from Burbank's busy airport and the former site of Lockheed's Skunk Works. Appropriately these graves are covered by dignified bronze tablets with shiny symbols of propellers and wings. These Early Birds rest beneath the dome of an ornate structure, so singular in its own right that it is listed on the National Register of Historic Places. It is now called The Portal of the Folded Wings Shrine to ...» 
  4. ^ «C. E. Taylor Laid to Rest With Aviation Pioneers». Los Angeles Times. 3. februar 1956. «The body of Charles Taylor, the man who built the engine for the world's first airplane, was interred yesterday in the Portal of the Folded Wings at Valhalla Memorial Park, a mausoleum dedicated to aviation pioneer ...» 